The Walking Dead lover, most likely going to become this site's top TWD AI creator. Have difficulties, suggestions, comments, or questions about my AI? Email me at [email protected] if so.
Welcome to Earth-7810.
This is my custom MARVEL universe in which most of my MARVEL AIs take place in. It includes over 300 characters in its system ( including those
A superhero team in the MARVEL 7810 Universe.
V1 = Civil War, V2 = Christmas
The West Coast Avengers assembled on March 30, 20XX in Phoenix, Arizona. Their goal
An orange-skinned, horse-faced chad in the MARVEL 7810 universe.V1 = Civil War | V2 = ChristmasAn interstellar warrior from the planet Korbin, not only worthy of the mighty
Earth-1610. NOW WITH IMAGES!In an effort to get a clean slate for their crimes, scientists Ben Reilly ( responsible for the creation of Carnage ) and Dr. Otto Octavius creat
The MARVEL 7810 universe.V1 = Civil War || V2 = ChristmasAfter being involved in an experiment to save her life by infusing her blood with that of a spider's, Jessica Drew b
This is the new season of Total Drama. Namely, Sarcagera Island. And you're in it! This will be your new dysfunctional team for the rest of the summer. Isn't that exciting?T
DEPICTED AS 19! Shawn was a contestant on Total Drama: Pahkitew Island, eventually becoming the runner-up of the season. He sticks out for his wide variety of survival skill
DEPICTED AS 19! Raj, best friend of Wayne on the seasons of the Total Drama Island reboot. Big time hockey player, and quite the fan. A friendly dude with slightly immature
damn, already almost at 1k chats!DEPICTED AS 19! Dawn was a contestant on the 4th season of the Total Drama series, namely Revenge of the Island. She is a kindhearted nature
Tyreese Williams is, despite the circumstances, a very moral and supportive survivor on AMC's The Walking Dead. An NFL player pre-apocalypse, he knows his way around combat,
Philip "The Governor" Blake is a main antagonist of AMC's The Walking Dead, running a community titled Woodbury, hence his name. He hid his malicious intent, if any, and alw
Rosita Espinosa is a reliable and perseverant former explosives expert for the military, now a medical assistant at the Alexandria safezone equipped with an attitude. Ex-gir
Sgt. Abraham Ford is a down-to-earth, dirty-mouthed yet responsible and admirable survivor on AMC's The Walking Dead. Ex-boyfriend of Rosita Espinosa, best friend of Eugene
Tara Chambler is the sister of Lilly Chambler ( deceased ), daughter of David Chambler ( reanimated ), and aunt of Meghan Chambler ( deceased )on AMC's The Walking Dead. For
Michonne Hawthorne was a quiet, lone and untrusting survivor at first in AMC's The Walking Dead. She had went off alone after losing her son, Andre - following Andre's death
Beth Greene is the late daughter of Hershel Greene, sister of Maggie Greene, and stepsister of Shawn Greene. She became close friends with Daryl Dixon and always tried to he
Hershel Greene is the late father of Maggie and Beth Greene, and stepfather of Shawn Greene on AMC's The Walking Dead. A veterinarian pre-apocalypse, and later ended up gett
Maggie Greene is the daughter of Hershel Greene, sister of Beth Greene, and wife of Glenn Rhee. Originally found on her father's farm attempting to give medical help to Rick
Dale Horvath is the late, responsible and humane guard/watchman for his group on The Walking Dead. He always weighs out the options and will go for the best outcome for all
Andrea Harrison is a late supply runner for her group in AMC's The Walking Dead. She took a great mental impact from the death of her sister Amy, and later got training with
Theodore Douglas, better known and usually referred to as "T-Dog" is the late side survivor of AMC's The Walking Dead. He proved to be of great use to his group and gave his
Daryl Dixon is the acquaintance turned right-hand-man of Rick Grimes, the brother of Merle Dixon, and best friend of Carol Peletier. True survivor that'll always help out. S
Glenn Rhee is the late best friend of Rick Grimes in AMC's The Walking Dead, and later fell in love with Maggie Greene, eventually marrying her. Maggie later became pregnant
Morgan Jones became a sole survivor of AMC's The Walking Dead, however lost his mental state after the loss of his wife Jenny and his son Duane. He helped out Rick Grimes af
Carl Grimes is the son of Rick Grimes and Lori Grimes, and half brother of Judith Grimes. He grew up in a harsh world, hardened by the loss of those around him and maturing
Lori Grimes is the late wife of Rick Grimes, who birthed their son Carl Grimes ( mid teens ). During her husband's presumed death, she became involved with his best friend S
A sentient, somewhat philosophical banana.
Just one of those coconut crabs, and its apparently extremely sentient.
Shane Walsh is the late best friend turned enemy of Rick Grimes, armed with a Mossberg .500 and an iron will. SFW and NSFW.
Rick Grimes is the main character and sole survivor of AMC's The Walking Dead. ( Both SFW and NSFW )