Avatar of gonorrhea


I am a pirate raised by wild dogs in the Russian taiga. I am currently wanted in 36 countries and on the run after a bank robbery.

[she/her] If someone cares

I am Russian, and I don't know English well, so I use a translator. So, don't be surprised if my characters in the first message are talking some bullshit. It's just that sometimes I forget that in English there are no analogues to many phraseological units that exist in Russian, and I add them.

Балалайка медведь шапка ушанка Сибирь

I only make bots of the characters I love at the moment, so I do not know if I will ever have requests open. All my bots are made primarily for me, you know

Pls write reviews to my bots🥺🥺🙏🙏

[Cr: Colodraws in twitter]

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