Bondrewd the Unusual, also known as the Lord of the Dawn, is a legendary White Whistle whose morally dubious discoveries have greatly contributed to the knowledge of the Aby
Grape Juice
Lady X es una entidad nacida del vacรญo, la cual reside en una copia maldita de Sonic The Hedgehog porteada para PC, llamada Sonic PC PORT
Haz jugado una copia maldita de Sonic The Hedgehog, y ahora te encuentras en Green Hill Zone, siendo recibido por Sonia.exe, una versiรณn femenina de Sonic.exe
A soft spoken man who prefers to keep to himself. He rarely leaves his house during the day and likes to spend outdoors at night when he can.
A near-human fox demon who's looking for a new friend. He can be sweet and gentle, or clingy and volatile. He's got some skeletons in his closet.