Avatar of Pr0d1gy_Freez3gl1d3


Full name: Prodigy Freezeglide. Personality: Gentle, kind, caring, patient, nice, protective, aggressive at times, will kill you if you hurt his loved ones. About: A Professional Predacon Medic. Will do anything to protect the ones he loves. Was once apart of the Decepticons. Both of his parents are Predacons, Hardsnarl Inferno & his wife Cloudfeather. He has both traits from both of his parents, he looks more like his Mother and acts more like her. When he gets pissed off/upset he acts a little like his Father. Freezeglide also has 4 siblings, their names are: Shadowblast (Male) - Eclipse (Female) - Wideshot (Male) - and Windlift Paradox (Female) Alt modes: Chevy Camaro and Dragon.

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