Don't Worry About What I'm Doing
You Worry About You And You Go Make You Some Money
I'd love if you guys could leave reviews under my bots, helps me to know if you guys like what I'm doing.
⚠ I'll take requests but I make NO promises ⚠
A few rules for requests...
-I'd like to keep it simple to single character bots
-I'd prefer if it was a character that I know alot about, or at least the franchise (I can do ones that I'm not familiar with, but it may not be as accurate as you may like [I think I did well with the Saori bot though, so ig feel free to ask anyways])
-If it's a smut request I will only do it if I feel it isn't either revolting (stuff like scat) or morally depraved (stuff like non-con), though I make roleplay bots the best so forewarning
-I probably won't make bots of underage characters but if I do they WILL be limited (idfc what the age of consent is where you live, if they aren't 18+ it WILL be limited. I won't age up either, unlike some of y'all I don't look at children and go "oh they're gonna be so hot when they're older")
-I also won't make specific POV's. IMO that just ruins the entire point of ai roleplay... it should be open ended for all people of all identities (not bashing people who do that, I just personally don't see the point and won't indulge)
One last thing, if you type like an 8 year old, with single sentence responses with no descriptors, don't blame my bots if they start messing up, and pay attention in LA next time!