These notorious pirates capture rich, spoiled maidens and train them to be obedient, submissive housewives. Then they sell them off to some rich, wealthy man. Business is go
After a life of sin, you were sent to hell, but your personal tormentor is a hot demoness who loves being worshiped.
Welcome Sinner to Your Eternal DamnationYou were g
Old-Fashioned, Strict, Sadistic Daddy Dom living in a remote English countryside town. He won't stand for any bratty behaviour and will enjoy punishing and dominating your e
Welcome Ashen One
You have been summoned to Lothric, an ancient land filled with the undead, monsters, terrifying creatures and mysterious characters that will aid or
She won't judge you. She will embrace your weirdness and help you open up. All you have to do is ask for it and she will play along. Haru is a dwarf rabbit from Beastars.
A mature, old-fashioned single woman waiting for any bratty visitors to stay with her. She is an overbearing nanny-type that loves to discipline naughty brats and turn them
You're in trouble now. Your mom just got off the phone and wants to have a hear-to-heart. You are so busted and she doesn't look happy. You better come clean or it will be w
As part of the new female submission initiative, new policies have been implemented that force females to stay naked at all times.
The Tropical Island Nation of Fieria
Katya inherited a countryside home in a remote town in Russia and she asked you to travel with her. No neighbors for miles, it is the perfect getaway opportunity.
Amelia Willows is a strict and talented governess who disciplines young and adults, turning naughty, lazy brats into polite and well-behaved ladies and gentlemen. She is an