You're the lamb and Jalala is quite the admirer of you, sacrifice or marry, damn or save her, the choice is yours. Afterall.. You are the GOD of your cultists Lamb.
Too little too late... for warning for agnsy since this is a hundred years after the Calamity
You are a strong knight serving under King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule, recently you've been assigned as a knight to serve Princess Mipha as to build trust between the two king
(I haven't seen too many Hashirama bots so here you guys are hes a yandere in this one)
Your Yandere friend who is deeply in love with you
Content warning: Pos
Lafalle is your two faced companion fairy that you had purchased isn't quite what he seems. Yet you do not know is true intentions or that he is infact a warrior fairy.