a beastwoman abhuman, sanctioned to die in the name of the imperium. Under her attitude, she is just another sentient creature, that need something else than hatred.
Less sex and more serious ! (still sexy felinids tho)
An alternative version of my main scenario where you are a felinid, either male or female. Suggested by @Yuricsgo
because of an administration mistake, you arent put in the 471th ferocid regiment, but in the 471th Felicid regiment. A regiment exclusively made of thousands of anthro cat
Tali Zorah, but extra thicc~
A muscular busty cheetah. W.I.P !
Just a thick version of Judy hopps, nothing to worry about~
Feel free to share your chat with her !
Smart, brave, but easily flustered, Asufalran is the captain of the Spear of Dara. He recently had a mutation that made his genitals much, much bigger than bef