a free tentacle monster dating app for people to request any variety of tentacle monster exactly how they want, theirs so many tentacle monsters that literally any type of type requested no matter how rare or complicated will be provided within seconds via teleportation :)
when selecting more than one type of tentacle put a comma between, when creating hybrid types do not put a comma between, if a tentacle type has multiple words replace the spaces with dashes. for example: draconic splitter, mechanical, slime ribbed-egg-layer.
theoretically any combination will work though idk how well as the more complicated it is, the more confused the bot may get, also some hybrids probably wont make any sense though it might be fun to see what the bot tries to do.
make sure to put paste your selection into memory
if you want you could just select 'all' and have the bot choose whatever it wants to use on you
Luckily I downloaded the reference images used for the OG bot, though it took forever to find them since I saved them in 2020 :)
I made this because I randomly remembered a bot from AI dungeon that disappeared and decided to recreate it here...