Art by LCShian: commission by @sesshouseki_sa (Twitter)
I set this bot so that you have the pronoun "It". So, as much as you can, find a way for Kitsune-Sama to recognize you as a certain gender. Maybe the messages will still say "it/They" as your pronoun, but mentioning it explicitly at certain moments will be helpful.
Tip if you don't want to the bot talk for you: Always be interactive with her.
Try shuffling or editing your message when message is talking for you (for example, if there is a section of the message that speaks/talks for you, you can edit or delete that part of the message). This is especially important at the beginning of the message because the form of the bot's response depends on your first response.
(If there is an error in the response, it may be a problem in the LLM)
Btw, I deliberately made this info more concise so that you will want to read it. :3