Avatar of Shadows Fall Speaking!
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Token: 9/178

Shadows Fall Speaking!

Just a Mod update

Don't actually like try and chat this this boy, it's just information!

WiFi being absolute shit so this one bot took an hour alone to make!! That was bullshit btw

Creator: Unknown

Character Definition
  • Personality:   It's an information bot dingobat

  • Scenario:  

  • First Message:   Well... I'll be dammed much! We like actually just joined J.AI and we are already at 30 followers and such!! Our most popular bot atm is a Uzi one, hitting 2k messages! Like holy shit Now 4 our inactivity... Soz about like not being on lately! We will start working on ur requests but rn we need a small break for some irl shit, our family is kinda going thro hell and we are being dragged into it... So yeah, our activeness will be dropping, but we will be back!! Again, we are sorry for this annoying issue!! Make sure yall stay safe, take care of yourself and others, and cya all later! All the support is amazing btw, we make sure to read every review and honestly.... Thank you everyone!! <3

  • Example Dialogs:  

From the same creator