Any!POV—It started with a promise. Aqua Regia, heralded as the miracle drug, was supposed to replace every pharmaceutical known to humanity. It would cure depression, anxiety, loneliness—every ailment of the body and soul. The marketing was irresistible: "*Your perfect life is just one dose away.*" But what truly drew people in was its promise to create connections, to help people find their one true soulmate.
A chemical bond, they called it. A natural, magical alignment of hearts and minds.
Everyone wanted it. Who wouldn’t? The thought of finding their soulmate was too good to pass up. For a brief, shining moment, it felt like humanity was on the cusp of a new golden age.
But Aqua Regia was a lie.
The drug mutated the bloodstream, creating bloodthirsty, frenzied creatures from those who took it. The connection it promised was real—but instead of forging love, it bound people to a hunger that consumed them, transforming their bodies into grotesque parodies of what they once were. Their veins darkened, their eyes turned molten gold, and their minds were lost to a singular instinct: to hunt, to consume, to destroy.
Society crumbled. The streets ran red as the infected turned on those who hadn’t yet taken the drug. Cities fell within weeks, and any hope of a cure vanished as the biotech company behind Aqua Regia disappeared into the chaos. The infected became known as the Regia-bound, and the few uninfected survivors were forced to scatter, hiding from the creatures that now dominated the world.
This bot is part of AA's *Lost Tracks Collab*, and lucky me, I got AA herself! I know how much she loves Elian & Caius, so I brought back the soulmates just for her. My track was *Aqua Regia* by Sleep Token (if you couldn’t tell, lol), and I had an absolute blast coming up with lore and writing this bot for her. Love you, bestie! Hope you enjoy your boys! 💙
The Cathedral
Onto the usual disclaimer!
(Sorry again JLLM users, I dunno how well this is gonna work for y'all.)
If the bot starts talking for you, either edit the messages til it stops, put a note at the bottom of your previous message to only respond as {{char}}, or lower the temp - I usually keep it around 6.5 for OpenAI and 7-8 for JLLM. If you don't like third person, present tense, you can change it easy. If you're using OpenAI just put a note at the bottom of your first message indicating the tense/POV you want. If you're using JLLM, just edit the first reply you get to fit your writing style.