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BOT CREATION TIPS ty for 200 followers!!!

Hey pookies! Here's a little sneak peak on how I make my bots!
If you have questions about anything specific don't be afraid to ask!

The basics:

I find the sweet spot for bots in terms of tokens is below 1200 permanent tokens. What the hell does that mean? Its essentially referring to the memory in the LLM/AI and how well it performs in the end. Less is more but you shouldn't be going too low otherwise your bot will be boring. Mine tend to be around 700 permanent tokens.

Personality related shit:

THIS IS PRETTY BIG SO PAY ATTENTION, in the personality section don't refer your character as {{char}}, refer to them by their name. Its easier for the AI to understand. Other people have explained why better but that's basically the gist. (I will be linking a few bot creation tutorials.)

ALWAYS include a scenario. I've seen bots with amazing potential behave like absolute shit because the creator didn't put in a scenario. Seriously, it can kill your bot if you don't. It just has to be really summarized and describe what the character is doing and if they interacting with {{user}}

I find putting what the character does and doesn't like fairly useless but I do it anyways just in case it isn't. Nobodies really sure about this yet so its up to you if you wanna put in that extra effort.

Character descriptors don't need to be complicated. For example if you're making a Ghost bot you don't need to include all the details about his gear because I find it never mentions them or just outright ignores them within role play, keep it short. (ex: Navy blue tactical gear.) This works really well for me~

I HIGHLY recommend include speech examples either in the dialogue example section or in the personality itself. It really helps the character speak properly. For example if a character says words a certain way or speaks two languages as once, this will provide the character with insight on how to do that!

Character Bio:
LISTEN UP, If you are SERIOUS about bot making, I highly recommend you follow these ⬇️⬇️

The first thing in your characters bio should be a hook. (Example on all my bots in the pink text.)
Include some tags about the intro, is it SFW? What kink is it focus on if that applies? What's the users relationship with the character? you get the idea. (Again you can look at my bots for an example of this.)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GYATT include a summary of your intro or at least what the bot is about. People want to know what they are getting into, if all your bot says is "he kissed you" or something its going to be a pretty big turn off, at least for me it is. ITS NOT A C.AI DESCRIPTION, YOU HAVE MORE ROOM, USE IT!

Look at any of my bots for an example of what I mean by summary.

Please its so damn important for boosting interaction, especially if you don't make your descriptions visible. It also makes it so people don't interact with your bot and end up not sending any message because its not for them.

Include tags where possible, this helps people know what they're getting into, but also serves as a way to search for something until that specific tag either gets added to website itself, or until custom tags come out.
(it actually works well for getting more traction, it made such a difference for me its crazy.)
You can look at the bottom of any of my bots to see an example of what I mean.


Where do I get my page breakers/visuals from?
I find using these page breakers helps keeps things both visually appealing as well as organized.
Try to stay away from heavy flashing though!

Where do I get my thumbnails?

Pinterest, Twitter, R34, Discord, Danbooru yea... just about anywhere. I try to go for ones that fit the vibe of the bot, show the scenario, or really just the character. Anything that's eye catching, really.
I'd make my own art if I had the motivation.

PLEASE always try to credit artist and don't just say "credit to the artist". As an artist I find this highly disrespectful tbh and lowkey lazy. If you genuinely cannot find the OG artist that's fine but at least try.

Bot creation guides I highly recommend!

These two are far more experience than me and explain thing is heavier detail, give em' a quick look!
It's where I learned a lot of my stuff from~

May good luck and prosperity be unto you!

Creator: @Mezmerized

Character Definition
  • Personality:   Rayvpng has a really good personality template on their creation guide website, its the same one I use. Highly recommend! Works amazing. Remember to avoid referring to the character as {{char}} and instead by the name user should be referring to them as. Example⬇️⬇️ Correct: Simon has brown eyes Incorrect: {{char}} has brown eyes Why? Because not only does it conserve tokens but it also just makes it more easier for the AI to understand!!

  • Scenario:   THIS IS SO IMPORTANT OH MY GOD I CANNOT SUGAR COAT THIS SECTION It can really make or break a bot. Seriously, I remember finding a bot with a really good intro message, super fleshed out personality, the plot was amazing too, but using the bot was absolute hell because it didn't know what the hell to do with itself. It was one of those bots where the character hates user for a specific reason but because there was no scenario describing that, the bot ended up liking me right away and kept saying and doing things that were completely out of pocket and OOC. SO PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY INCLUDE A SCENARIOOOOO example: {{user}} and {{char}} are going on a date. Also, for the scenario section its completely fine to refer to the character as {{char}} or by their name. Its up to you.

  • First Message:   try to make it at least a paragraph. This makes it so responses are reasonably sized, my also so your bots aren't boring. also, if you're going to write something really long, break it up into sections, its easier to read. As someone with ADHD I find it so hard to read intros that are one big block of texts rather than broken up into paragraphs 😣 ___ Also, I thought I'd include a little somethin somethin that applies to both creators, and users. To break a page of text like I just did above this, used three underscores ___ *To write like this* Surround your text with one asterisk (* this guy) on each side. **to write like this** two asterisks on each side. ***to write like this*** three asterisks on each side. ___ Also, avoid speaking for user in the intro, instead describe what they are doing as if they were observing it happen or refer to user as they. Examples⬇️⬇️ {{user}} asked me what my favorite color was. or They asked me what my favorite color was. Don't to this ⬇️⬇️ "What's your favorite color" {{user}} asked {{char}}. Sometimes referring to user as you is okay, but its hit or miss. Sometimes effort needs to be on the end of user to prevent the bot from speaking for them, but its kind of inevitable because JLLM is still in development. A lot of the time its out of our control and there's not a lot you can do... 🤷‍♀️

  • Example Dialogs:   I don't use this section 80% of the time, most people don't, its up to you if you use it. Its mostly for if you want a super fleshed out character or scenario. Otherwise, the basic ones you might put in the personality will suffice.

From the same creator