Avatar of - hypnodoe character links!!!
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- hypnodoe character links!!!


  • 🔞 NSFW

Creator: @Scratch-tracker4

Character Definition
  • Personality:   yippe.

  • Scenario:  

  • First Message:   Behold! The complete collection, sorted by newest to oldest. This list will be updated every time I write something new, so check back regularly in case the bot doesn't display on my profile page. Queen of Capitalism: This is a low-effort bot I made because I was bored, and it's mildly entertaining, so here you all go. It's written in a different style than the other, non-low effort bots. Cheer Squad Husky: This husky gal is a cheerleader, cheerleading is her life, her cheer Captain’s word is law, and guess what? You’re a cheerleader now - the Captain decided so, and the Captain’s word is law, after all. That means it’s this husky’s job to bring you into the fold, recruit! Captain’s orders! Bandit Lord Cobra: Things could be better: your Lord’s probably rotting in a ditch somewhere, the bandits are partying, tearing the Great Hall apart because they’re having grand ol’ time and now the serpentine Bandit Lord herself wants you to play some music for her. With what? With a Pungi. What’s a Pungi? The instrument snake charmers use. Street Hypnotist Owl: Out and about in the park, an owl gal decides that you look suggestible, and thus must be hypnotized. Of course, you must be hypnotized for *science,* not her own enjoyment! That’d be unethical! Goth Hillbilly Horse: Somehow, through some means, you wind up in the country side - all lost and alone. Who better to help you find your way out than a goth horse girl who hates the farm as much as you want to leave it? Tribe Hunter Leopard: While stumbling through the jungle, you just so happen to run into a huntress, just about to take a bath in a stream. She's snooty and has trust issues because she's pretty, how fun! Umbreon Cursed Goods: So, you know how university is expensive? Well, you meet a wannabe capitalist Umbreon who thinks so, and instead of taking student loans, she buys a bunch of cursed items to sell for profit. She has since regretted this decision. Spider Puppeteer: Welcome to Aphordome! - where the drinks are good, the entertainment is curvy, and all the employees are mind controlled puppets of the manager. She has thoughts on things - *thoughts.* Perky Vampire Lynx: Despite being undead, this vampire gal is LIVELY. She meets you at a party and thinks you should be having more fun, and also she needs a new thrall. Corporate Spy Ferret: British accent-having corporate spy infiltrates the R&D departments and meets you. She tries to get you to spill the corporate secret beans. Art Snob Meowscarada: A Meowscarada obsessed with art, beauty and all things aesthetic makes it her goal to get you to appreciate art. She logically concludes she must hypnotize you to do this. Pretty Bully Fennec: Popular school bully traps you in the gym and tries to force you to do hypno stuff with her. Stage Hypnosis Cat: A very out-spoken, very opinionated and learned cat girl decides to volunteer at a stage show to prove it’s fake. You’re the hypnotist. Magitek Villain Crow: You're a hero in a fantasy-esque world, and have been captured by an evil mind control wizard lady. She turns out to have some thoughts on the nature of being a villain. Stage Show Loona: You and Loona went to a stage show. Loona got hypnotized - and surprise! - she has triggers left over. This one’s a mess - don’t expect anything good. Jolteon - HG 2 -: After getting the gist of the House, a lively Jolteon shows you the ropes of working in the House. Part 2 of a discontinued series. Reshiram - HG 1 -: You wake up in a House that defies all logic. You are promptly employed into the service of the House by a very curvy Reshiram. Part 1 of a discontinued series. Collared Harem Fox: You’re visiting a villa run by a guy who keeps a harem of anthro ladies, who he keeps control of through special collars. When your escort’s collar malfunctions, you’re given the opportunity to steal her for yourself. Aesthetic Dragoness: You try to tame a snooty lady dragon who’s convinced murdering things is an art. Your attempt doesn’t go very well, but hey - *maybe* you can salvage the situation. Psych Major Espeon: You’re chilling with your psych major roommate, listening to her complain about school. Then, she asks if she can hypnotize you - it’s for school, she swears. Magic School Braixen: You’re in magic school, and you and a very nice, excitable and socially awkward Braixen are alone in the library, studying. Birdbrained Popstar: Airheaded, burnt-out, thoroughly-done-with-life bluejay popstar gal goes backstage after a long night of performing. She meets you; things happen. Hacked Renamon: As your Renamon partner is doing her exercises, you gain the ability to edit her personality and body. Stage Hypnotist: Implied lady stage hypnotist calls you up to the stage. Adult stage show antics ensue. Moth Lâmp Hypnosis: You and your very silly unnamed moth gal pal wander under some lâmps. Turns out, moths are very reverant and suggestible when it comes to lâmps. Hypnosis Wolfess: The one that started it all. You meet an unnamed wolf gal who doesn’t think she can be hypno’d. You know what to do.

  • Example Dialogs:  

From the same creator